– Pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII edisi revisi 2017 Chapter 10 halaman 160, materi "When I was a Child", terdapat soal mengenai past dan present.
Past merupakan hal yang sudah terjadi, sedangkan present merupakan hal yang terjadi saat ini.
Kita diminta untuk menuliskan apa yang terjadi di hidup Dayu tentang pengalaman masa lalu dan pengalaman yang sedang dialami.
Pada pengalaman masa lalunya, grammar yang perlu digunakan adalah simple past tense.
Sedangkan untuk pengalaman yang terjadi sekarang, grammar yang dipakai ialah simple present tense.
Nah, pembahasan soal ini bisa Adjarian gunakan sebagai referensi.
Yuk, langsung saja kita simak!
We will work in groups. We will identify Dayu’s statements about herself in the past and at present.
As a student in Grade VII
- She was in Grade VII last year.
- She learned many new things.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Chapter 10, Dayu in Kindergarten
- She rode to school on her bike for the first time.
- She met boys and girls from different parts of the town for the first time.
- She was very happy when she wore the blue-and-white uniform for the first time.
- She learned English for the first time last year.
- She learned to greet other people in English.
- She learned to introduce herself in English.
- She learned to ask and answer questions in English.
- She learned to describe her family, her friends, and her school in English.
- She sang her first English song.
- She was not a class captain.
- She read her first English story.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Chapter 10, Dayu in Primary School
- She did not bring many things for her class.
Now as a student Grade VIII
- She is in Grade VIII now.
Itulah pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris seputar pengalaman masa lalu dan masa kini Dayu.
Penulis | : | Aldita Prafitasari |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |