– Ternyata, membagikan resep secara tulis atau secara lisan dalam bahasa Inggris berbeda, lo!
Secara lisan disebut dengan orally, sedangkan secara tertulis disebut dengan written, Adjarian.
Kali ini, kita akan mempelajari keduanya dalam bentuk soal latihan.
Soal ini ada pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas IX edisi revisi 2018 Chapter 4 halaman 62-63.
Perintah soal tersebut adalah "We will handwrite in the notebook how to say all the steps."
Soal tersebut terdapat pada materi This is how you do it!
Kita diminta untuk menyusun resep Iced Fruit Cocktail with Condensed Milk dalam bentuk tertulis dan lisan.
Nah, jawaban di bawah dapat Adjarian jadikan sebagai bahan referensi dalam menjawab soal materi ini.
Sekarang, langsung saja kita simak pembahasan soal di bawah ini, yuk!
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Chapter 5, Correct the Verbs Question 5-8
Here are what we will do with each step in the recipe.
We will work in group. First, every one of us will handwrite in the notebook how to say all the steps.
Then, in each group we will learn to present all the steps to each other orally.
Here are the actions or the steps to make Iced Fruit Cocktail with Condensed Milk.
1. To make syrup, combine sugar, pandan leaves and water in a small sauce pan and heat the mixture for a few minutes over low heat until sugar dissolves. Cool syrup.
2. To serve this dessert, place generous spoonful of cubed avocado, jackfruit and young coconut into a serving bowl.
Add a little syrup to sweeten, top with crushed ice and drizzle on a little condensed milk.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Chapter 5, Correct the Verbs Question 1-4
Serve immediately.
To make syrup, combine sugar, pandan leaves and water in a small saucepan and heat the mixture for a few minutes over low heat until the sugar dissolves.
Then, cool the syrup.
To serve this dessert, place generous spoonful of cubed avocado, jackfruit and young coconut into a serving bowl.
Next, add a little syrup to sweeten.
Top with crushed ice and, then, drizzle on a little condensed milk.
Finally, serve immediately.
Nah, itulah pembahasan soal yang bisa Adjarian jadikan referensi dalam mengerjakan soal bahasa Inggris tema This is how you do it!
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Chapter 4, Cook Rice
Penulis | : | Aldita Prafitasari |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |