(Diadaptasi dari:tx.english-ch.com/teacher)
1. By saying "Today's buzz words. which include global warming and zero emissions, are causing every day people to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint,” in lines 1-3 the author implies that? (SOAL SBMPTN 2018)
A. Environmental issues have made people more cautious of their actions
B. Global warming and zero emissions become everyone's concern
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Persamaan Kata atau Sinonim
C. People have to take care of their greenhouses carefully
D. Eco-friendly environmental programs should be strongly enforced
E. All people around the world are aware of global warming
Jawaban: B. Global warming and zero emissions become everyone's concern
Pembahasan: Supaya lebih mudah, kita akan coba cari kata kunci yang mencakup seluruh kalimat dalam pertanyaan.
"Today's buzz words. which include global warming and zero emissions, are causing every day people to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.”
Kata kunci:
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menentukan Sikap Penulis atau Attitude Expressed
Nah, apabila disimpulkan, kalimat yang paling mencakup semua kta kunci tersebut terdapat pada opsi B, “Global warming and zero emissions become everyone's concern.”
Adjarian, itulah pembahasan soal mencari makna sirat penulis untuk UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris, ya!
Penulis | : | Jestica Anna |
Editor | : | Aisha Amira |