– Pernahkah Adjarian mengerjakan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe soal penyusunan paragraf dan mencari sinonim?
Kedua tipe soal tersebut termasuk tipe yang memiliki kemungkinan untuk keluar pada UTBK SBMPTN tahun 2022 ini.
Untuk dapat menjawab soal tipe penyusunan paragraf, hendaknya kita membaca paragraf yang ditanyakan dalam soal dengan saksama.
Kemudian amatilah, apakah paragraf tersebut diawali dengan pernyataan yang diikuti dengan contoh atau mungkin hanya berupa sebuah penjelasan saja?
Setelah itu, coba cocokanlah dengan pilihan jawaban yang ada.
Nah, kalau tipe soal mencari sinonim pastinya sudah tidak asing lagi, kan? Tipe soal ini memang kerap muncul di berbagai ujian kemampuan bahasa Inggris, termasuk di UTBK SBMPTN nanti.
Untuk menjawabnya, kita perlu mengetahui arti dari kosakata tersebut terlebih dahulu, Adjarian.
Akan tetapi, perlu hati-hati, karena terkadang terdapat dua kosakata dalam pilihan yang memiliki makna hampir sama. Jadi, harus disesuaikan lagi dengan konteks.
Nah, coba kita latihan soal bahasa Inggris dengan tipe tersebut, yuk!
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menganalisis Isi Paragraf
Read the text comprehensively.
(Bacalah teks dengan saksama!)
Forget lions, tigers, and bears. When it comes among the most frightening creatures on earth. With powerful mouth parts, these ighters can skillfully cut creatures much larger than themselves into pieces.
Acting together in great number, army ant colonies succeed at making tens of thousands of such kills each day. Their capabilities do have limits, though.
Contrary to popular belief, they almost never take down large animals or people. One of the best places to observe army ants is Barro Colorado, an island in a lake creates by Panama Canal.
The island is home to as many as 50 colonies of Eciton burchellii, the most studied army ant in world. It is one of 150 types of army ants in the New World; more 170 other types live in Asia, Africa, and Australia.
The colonies of this army ant are huge, ranging from 300.000 to 700.000 ants. They never stay in one place long, moving from nest site to nest site.
Linking legs together, they use their own bodies to form enormous nests called bivouacs, which they hang beneath a fallen tree. There they stay for about 20 days as the queen lays as many as 300.00 eggs.
When the ants go hunting as many as 200.000 of them leave the nest in a group that broadens into a fan as wide as 14 meters.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Topik Paragraf dan Sinonim
This swarm raid takes slightly diferent course each day, allowing the hunter to cover fresh ground each time. Protecting the ants wherever they go are soldiers, recognizable by their oversized jaws.
If their frightening looks do not scare enemies away, soldier also have a powerful bite and the attack is often suicidal. Because their jaws are shaped like ishhooks, the soldiers cannot pull them out again.
Amazonian tribes have used soldier ants to close wounds, breaking of the bodies and leaving the head in place.
Eciton burchellii are blind and cannot see what their heads are, but they move together in such large numbers that they can easily kill non-army ants, insects, and other small creatures that are their prey.
When the groups happen upon at a break in the path, the ants immediately connect the legs together and form a living bridge so that the groups can move forward without delay.
In Japanese the word ant is written by connecting two characters: one means "insect", the other means "loyalty". Indeed, individual ants are completely loyal to their fellow ants. They present many examples of selfless cooperation which, while extreme of course, cannot fail to win the admiration of mankind.
(Diadaptasi dari
1. How is the information in the last paragraph organized?
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Keterkaitan Antarparagraf dan Kata Rujukan
A. A statement followed by an examples and explanation.
B. A statement followed by the research findings.
C. A statement followed by an explanation arranged from general to specifics
D. A statement followed by definition and explanation.
E. A statement followed by supporting ideas arranged in cause and effect.
Jawaban: D. A statement followed by definition and explanation.
Pembahasan: Informasi pada paragraf terakhir disusun berdasarkan sebuah pernyataan diikuti dengan definisi dan penjelasan.
Pernyataan terdapat pada kalimat, “In Japanese, the word ant is written by linking two character…”.
Kemudian diikuti dengan definisi dari pernyataan, “One meaning ‘insect’, the other meaning ‘loyalty’…”
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Mencari Asumsi Penulis dan Makna Tersirat
Nah, penjelasan dari pernyataan atau definisi dapat ditemui pada kalimat “Indeed, individual ants are completely loyal to their fellow ants. They ….”
Maka, jawaban paling tepat adalah pilihan D.
2. The phrase “happen upon” has the closest meaning to…
A. Find
B. Meet
C. Avoid
D. Need
E. Have
Jawaban: A. Find
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal Mencari Kalimat Penutup dan Grammar UTBK Bahasa Inggris
Pembahasan: Frasa happen upon memiliki arti yang sama dengan kata menemukan atau “find”.
Jadi, kata happen upon pada kalimat “When the groups happen upon at a break in the path,…” dapat digantikan dengan “When the groups find at a break in the path,…”.
Nah, demikian pembahasan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe penyusunan paragraf dan mencari sinonim, Adjarian.
Penulis | : | Jestica Anna |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |