- Opini juga bisa diungkapkan dalam sebuah teks, Adjarian.
Teks tersebut bernama teks editorial atau teks opini.
Nah, pada Buku PR Interaktif pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI halaman 27, Activity 12, kita akan membahas pertanyaan seputar melengkapi teks berisi opini.
Soal tersebut terdapat pada materi In My Opinion.
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Kita diminta untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dalam teks opini.
Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang opini penulis tentang pentingnya mesin botol daur ulang sebagai upaya mengatasi kerusakan lingkungan.
Pembahasan jawaban soal dari pertanyaan di bawah ini dapat kita jadikan referensi mengerjakan tugas.
Sekarang kita simak pembahasan soal dan jawabannya di bawah ini, yuk!
Fill in the blanks
Recycling rates must improve. However, some of the (1) rhetoric has gotten out of hand. It’s not helping. More to the point: We have got to stop minimizing the contribution that recycling makes.
A line from the important and devastating film, “The Story of Plastic,” goes: “We cannot recycle our way out of this mess.”
We believe this insinuates that recycling serves no purpose and it could take the pressure off (2) personal responsibility.
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Yes, there are those calling for an end to all single-use plastic products. But we need to champion today’s recycling efforts and start saying things like “let’s do better,” (3) instead of rhetorically draining a critical tool of its value.
We also need to make recycling easier and (4) more attractive for the consumer, particularly in the COVID-19 era, and there is a way we can do this that may not be familiar to many Americans: reverse vending machines (RVMs).
RVMs accept PET bottles for recycling and give consumers (5) a refund or their container deposit back.
Found around the world, they’re an (6) automated way to collect, sort and handle the return of used drink containers.
They’ve been around for decades and are typically installed in regions with robust container deposit laws, but many Americans don’t know about RVMs because only 10 of our states have such laws.
I promise you, with that kind of ubiquity, (7) recycling and collection rates would increase.
Why would beverage makers want to voluntarily create a takeback system, without regulation?
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Because it would help them (8) ensure the supply of material they need to meet their PCR goals. Getting ahead of any legislation, rather than waiting for it, is beneficial as well.
As we tackle the pandemic as well as (9) climate change, this news couldn’t come at a better time. RVMs require no human contact.
And, by helping to increase recycling rates, we can make more new bottles from old bottles, cutting our collective carbon footprint, and protect (10) our oceans and waterways from the scourge of plastic pollution.
Nah Adjarian, itulah pembahasan soal materi bahasa Inggris kelas XI pada Buku PR Interaktif materi In My Opinion.
Penulis | : | Aldita Prafitasari |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |