- Sebagai seorang siswa, tugas utama kita adalah belajar, Adjarian.
Belajar adalah hal yang penting, karena kita jadi memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih luas.
Ada berbagai mata pelajaran yang diajarkan di sekolah. Salah satunya adalah mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
O iya, kali ini kita akan berlatih mengerjakan contoh soal materi bahasa Inggris tentang question about studying.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris Kinds of Clothes
Soal-soal kali ini membahas hal-hal yang kita lakukan sehari-hari selama proses belajar.
Misalnya pertanyaannya adalah pelajaran apa yang paling Adjarian sukai?
Nah, kita akan berlatih menjawab soal semacam itu dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.
Yuk, kita simak bersama materi bahasa Inggris contoh soal dan jawaban question about studying di bawah ini!
Answer the questions below!
1. What do you like about studying?
Answer: What I like about studying is knowing that there are many things in the world that I didn't know yet.
2. Does studying only happen at school?
Answer: No, it doesn't. I learn alot from my parents, not academically but about how things work in everyday live.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris School Subject
3. What’s the most fun you’ve had while studying?
Answer: The most fun thing while studying is the process itself, study with my friends while building a friendship is so fun.
4. Do you like studying English?
Answer: Yes, I do.
5. How has the Internet changed studying?
Answer: I think internet answer all question in the world. So, internet takes a big role of all people who need to study.
6. Do you think people in different countries study in the same way as you?
Answer: Yes, I do.
7. What advice would you give someone on how to study English?
Answer: I study vocabulary from a song and film that I like. Understanding english song lyric makes me gain many English vocabulary.
8. What is your favourite school subject?
Answer: I really like studying biology.
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9. Why is some subject becomes your favourite subject?
Answer: It is amuse me how things work in our body. I live well everyday without knowing how things work inside me. So, learning about biology is fun to me.
10. What do you think about history lessons?
Answer: Personally, I'm not the type that like history lessons. I think it is little bit boring.
11. Do you like subjects that require understanding and memorization?
Answer: I like sucject that require understanding like mathematic and physic but not that require memorization like history.
12. Do you like studying with your friends?
Answer: Yes, I do. Everyday I study with my friend at school.
13. Do you like studying with your parents?
Answer: Sometimes I do like it sometimes I don't. My parents is not a teacher, so they can't teach me well. I rather pay attention of what teacher teached me at school.
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14. If you have to choose, would you rather study mathematics or physics?
Answer: I like both, but I prefer mathematics.
15. What do you think the best way of understanding subject for yourself?
Answer: Usually, I study by making resume of the materials that I learned. So that I read and write, it is double learn from me. It makes me understand well about the materials.
Nah, Adjarian, itulah contoh soal dan jawaban materi questions about studying dalam bahasa Inggris.
Penulis | : | Aldita Prafitasari |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |