– Saat membaca suatu teks, kita harus bisa menarik kesimpulan tiap paragraph untuk membuktikan bahwa kita memahami teks tersebut, Adjarian.
Selain menarik kesimpulan, biasanya juga terdapat soal-soal yang menanyakan isi dari teks tersebut.
Nah, pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X (SMA) edisi revisi 2016 Chapter 1 halaman 8 terdapat soal pada reading tasks 3 comprehension question II, read the questions for your partner to answer.
Soal tersebut terdapat pada materi Talking About Self.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 1, Conversation at a Store
Nah, soal tersebut termasuk soal essay, di mana jawabannya bisa beragam karena tergantung pada masing-masing dari kita yang mengerjakan, Adjarian.
Soal tersebut meminta kita untuk membaca pertanyaan untuk dijawab oleh pasanganmu mengacu pada bacaan sebelumnya pada halaman 4 dan 5.
O iya,jawaban di bawah ini untuk mencocokan apakah jawaban dari pasanganmu benar atau tidak.
Sekarang, yuk, kita simak soal dan jawaban serta pembahasannya di bawah ini!
Task 3:
Work in pairs. If you have read Text 1, refer to Questions II; if you have read Text 2, refer to Questions I. Read the questions for your partner to answer.
Tugas 3:
Bekerja berpasangan dengan temanmu. Jika kamu telah membaca Teks 1, lihat Pertanyaan II; jika telah membaca Teks 2, lihat Pertanyaan I. Bacalah pertanyaan untuk dijawab oleh pasanganmu.
Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Does Saidah want to be Alia’s friend?
Yes, she does. She really likes to be Alia's pen friend
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 3, Declining Invitation
2. Where is she from?
Saidah is from Johor Bahru in Malaysia.
3. Where does Saidah study?
Saidah attends an Islamic boarding school in her country.
4. Tell me about Saidah’s family!
Saidah's eldest sister is a medical doctor and Saidah's younger brother is an elementary school student.
5. What are Saidah’s hobbies?
Saidah is really into songs and music. Saidah also likes watching movies, especially comedies.
6. Does she have favorite singers? (If yes, who are they?)
Yes, she has. Her favorite boy band is One Direction.
Her favorite Malay singer is, of course, Siti Nurhaliza.
7. Does she like reading books? Which authors does she like?
Saidah is really into books. She likes reading novels and short stories.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 3, Accepting Invitation
Saidah also likes some writers in English, like JK Rowling, and Indonesian writers too, like Andrea Hirata and Ahmad Fuadi.
8. What profession would she like to have later?
Saidah dream, when she is older, is to be a writer of science fiction books.
9. Is she interested in visiting Indonesia? How does she know Indonesia?
Saidah really loves to come to Indonesia someday, especially to the magnificent Raja Ampat in Papua.
10. Have you ever written a letter to get a pen pal? When?
No, I haven't. But I would like to if there is a chance.
Nah Adjarian, itulah referensi jawaban yang dapat kita gunakan saat mengerjakan soal bahasa Inggris dalam materi Talking About Self.
Penulis | : | Aldita Prafitasari |
Editor | : | Aisha Amira |