Jawab Soal 'Activity 4' Teks 'Animal Farm' pada 'Unit 3: Fantasy', Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

By Rizky Amalia, Sabtu, 22 Juni 2024 | 09:00 WIB
(tangkapan layar) 'Animal Farm' (Peternakan Hewan) sebuah cerita yang ditulis oleh George Orwell. (kemdikbud.go.id)

Answer: Although this will not happen in real life, but the story can be a good lesson to always appreciate all living things, especially animals that are beneficial to our lives.

10. What do you learn from the story?

Answer:When too much power was given, there would be a tendency to be dictator in which all decisions were made by one authority.

- Respect and treat others in equal.

- Stand by your choice and do not be afraid to say which one is right and which one is wrong.

- Never stop learning and keep on being well-informed.

Nah, itulah informasi tentang pembahasan soal Activity 4 teks Animal Farm pada Unit 3: Fantasy materi bahasa Inggris kelas XI.

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