Jawab Soal 'Activity 4' Teks 'Animal Farm' pada 'Unit 3: Fantasy', Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

By Rizky Amalia, Sabtu, 22 Juni 2024 | 09:00 WIB
(tangkapan layar) 'Animal Farm' (Peternakan Hewan) sebuah cerita yang ditulis oleh George Orwell. (kemdikbud.go.id)

2. Who is your favorite character? What do you like about him/her?

Answer: My favorite character is Boxer.

Because despite he is ill but he insist to do his responsibilty untill the end.

(tangkapan layar) Pembahasan soal 'Activity 4' teks 'Animal Farm' pada 'Unit 3: Fantasy' materi bahasa Inggris kelas XI. (kemdikbud.go.id)

3. Would you want to be that character? Why or why not?

Answer: No, I don't. Even though what Boxer doing is right, there are other things to consider.

Health is the number one valuable asset. Therefore we must prioritize health above anything else.

4. What do you learn from your favorite character?

Answer: We have to work hard and take responsibility for the things that are our duty.

5. How did the pigs gain their leadership? Why did all the other animals allow this to occur?

Answer: The pig got leadership position from the oldest pig, the old Major.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal 'Practice Unit 2: Fairy Tale', Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI