Jawab Soal Worksheet 1.6, Buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka English for Nusantara Kelas IX, Section 5

By Mumtahanah Kurniawati, Selasa, 13 Februari 2024 | 16:00 WIB
Pada buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Kurikulum Merdeka, halaman 24, terdapat soal Worksheet 1.6. (Freepik/kuritafsheen77)

adjar.id - Pada buku bahasa Inggris English for Nusantara Kurikulum Merdeka kelas IX, Chapter 1, Section 5, halaman 24, ada soal Worksheet 1.6.

Dalam soal ini, kita ditugaskan untuk mendengarkan Audio 1.5.

Audio tersebut menjelaskan informasi tentang dua jenis binatang.

Nah, kita diminta untuk melengkapi informasi dua binatang tersebut berdasarkan Audio 1.5 pada soal Worksheet 1.6.

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Jawaban Soal Worksheet 1.6

1. Part 1

- What is it? It's an orang utan.

- To what other species is it related? Orang utan is a type of primate.

- What does it look like?

It's the largest arboreal mammal. It has long, powerful arms.

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Its height is about 1 to 1.4 meters and its weight is about 29.9 to 99.79 kilos.

- Where do they live? They live in Borneo's swamps and forests.

- How do they behave? They usually go down from the trees to explore the ground.

They sleep at night and relax during the day on trees.

- What do they eat? They eat lychees, mangosteens, and figs, and drink from holes in the ground.

- Are they endangered? Yes, they are.

- What are their predators? Threats to orang utans include habitat loss through deforestation and illegal hunting.

2. Part 2

- What is it? It is a Helmeted Hornbill.

- To what other species is it related? Helmeted Hornbill is a type of aves.

- What does it look like? It has a long tail feather in the middle.

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Its length is 190 cm from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail, it has a 90 cm wingspan, and its weight is 3 kg.

Males have a red featherless patch on the neck, while females have a bluish-white patch.

- Where do they live? They live in low land to the semi-tropical forest.

- How do they behave? Their laugh can be heard from 2 km away.

- What do they eat? They consume large fruits from Ficus trees and also small animals.

- Are they endangered? Yes, they are.

- What are their predators? Helmeted hornbills' threats include forest loss, a lack of conservation programs, and frequent hunting.

Itulah pembahasan soal Worksheet 1.6.

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