Jawab Soal Worksheet 1.6, Buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka English for Nusantara Kelas IX, Section 5

By Mumtahanah Kurniawati, Selasa, 13 Februari 2024 | 16:00 WIB
Pada buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Kurikulum Merdeka, halaman 24, terdapat soal Worksheet 1.6. (Freepik/kuritafsheen77)

Its length is 190 cm from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail, it has a 90 cm wingspan, and its weight is 3 kg.

Males have a red featherless patch on the neck, while females have a bluish-white patch.

- Where do they live? They live in low land to the semi-tropical forest.

- How do they behave? Their laugh can be heard from 2 km away.

- What do they eat? They consume large fruits from Ficus trees and also small animals.

- Are they endangered? Yes, they are.

- What are their predators? Helmeted hornbills' threats include forest loss, a lack of conservation programs, and frequent hunting.

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