Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 7, 'Stand by Me'

By Aldita Prafitasari, Senin, 13 Maret 2023 | 17:00 WIB
Terdapat soal lirik lagu pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XI edisi revisi 2017 Chapter 7 halaman 97-88, materi 'Meaning Through Music'. (Unsplash)

adjar.id - Pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XI edisi revisi 2017, Chapter 7, halaman 97-98, materi "Meaning Through Music" terdapat soal analisis lirik lagu atau song lyric.

Lagu yang akan kita analisis berjudul Stand by Me karya Ben E. King.

Ada tiga pertanyaan yang perlu kita jawab sesuai pendapat kita sendiri, Adjarian.

Nah, berikut pembahasan soal tersebut untuk referensi.

Discussion Questions for Stand by Me

1. What do you think the title “Stand by Me” means?


The title of the song "Stand by Me" means the hope that someone will stay by the author's side.

The songwriter, Ben E. King, created this song to express the feelings he has for the one person he loves the most.

Ben feels he can do anything even though it's dark and there's only moonlight as long as the person he loves stays by his side.

2. Do you consider “Stand by Me” an inspirational song? Why?

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Yes, I find this song inspiring.

As social beings, humans cannot be separated from the influence of others.

But only some people we trust in life can cheer us up and we need to stay by our side.

Even though the world is not doing well or is in trouble, as long as there are people we care about by our side, we will feel calm.