– Di bawah ada contoh dan pembahasan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe susunan teks atau “the organization of the text”.
Pernahkah Adjarian mengerjakan soal tipe tersebut sebelumnya?
Pada soal tipe satu ini, kita diminta untuk menentukan bentuk susunan teks yang dipaparkan oleh sang penulis.
Nah, bentuk susunan teks ada bermacam-macam, Adjarian.
Ada yang disusun secara kronologis atau chronological order, ada yang ditulis dengan bentuk sebab akibat atau cause and effect, ada juga yang dipaparkan definsinya terlebih dahulu baru contohnya atau definition and example.
Untuk dapat menjawabnya, kita tidak hanya perlu memahami isi bacaan, tetapi juga harus dapat menarik kesimpulan bagaimana teks tersebut dipaparkan.
Perhatikan kata kunci di setiap paragrafnya. Apakah disusun urut berdasarkan tahun (chronological), menyampaikan contoh-contoh (definition and example), atau memaparkan sebab lalu diikuti akibat (cause effect).
Memang sedikit susah bila hanya sekadar teori dan dibayangkan saja.
Untuk itu, coba kita simak contoh soal tipe susunan teks dan pembahasannya berikut!
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Kata Rujukan dan Informasi Rinci
Read the text below
(1) Last January, a study in Nature Climate showed that the world's glaciers are the smallest they have been in human history, revealing radiocarbon radiation material that has not been exposed for 40,000 years. Now, new research published in Nature quantifies how much the world's lost glaciers have contributed to rising sea levels.
(2) From 1961, when reliable record keeping began, to 2016, the ocean crawled up 27 millimeters as a result of ice sloughing off the world's non-polar glaciers.
Scientists had known that melting glaciers contribute to sea-level rise, but the new study takes a comprehensive look at how much and how quickly they're melting. They found mountain glaciers contribute roughly a third of measured sea-level rise-the same contribution to sea-level rise as the Greenland ice sheet and more than the contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet.
Their research also highlighted that many of the world's glaciers may disappear in the next century. In total, NASA estimates that sea levels rise by three millimeters each year. As oceans warm further, scientists estimate thermal expansion will force sea levels up even more.
(3) The study looked at 19 geologically distinct regions that had been previously segmented by the Randolph Glacier Inventory.
For each of these regions, they relied on field data from the World Glacier Monitoring Service. In any of these regions, field measurements are generally only available for one or two glaciers.
To get a more detailed analysis, the researchers used data collected from airborne and satellite surveys to calculate changes in a glacier's volume.
Not only did they find that sea levels have risen as much as 27 millimeters in the past 50 years, they also calculated change in glacial mass from 2006 to 2016, finding that sea level roughly increased one millimeter each year. Their data showed that in the 1960s and 1970s, glaciers had predictable seasonal changes, losing mass in the summer and regaining it in the winter.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menentukan Makna Tersirat Paragraf
In the 1980s, data showed more was lost than regained, and by the 1990s, all the glaciers they measured showed they were losing more volume than they could replace.
(4) To see how much that contributed to rising sea levels, the researchers then divided the total mass lost from glaciers by the surface of the ocean. Coastal towns are already beginning to feel the impacts of sea-level rise
In the Outer Banks in North Carolina, neighborhoods that once looked over the ocean have begun to fall into it. Major cities like Miami are developing adaption plans for when, not if, seas rise.
(5) Melting glaciers will also impact the inland communities that rely on them. The Peruvian Andes are home to some of the world's most heavily relied upon glaciers.
Since the Inca, Peru's glaciers have been a crucial source of freshwater for human consumption and agriculture. A study published last October in the journal Scientific Reports estimated that the Quelccaya Ice Cap , a region that spans more than 9,000 football fields, could reach a tipping point if emissions aren't reduced in the next 30 years.
(Diadaptasi dari
1. Which of the following best describe the organization of the text?
A. Spatial order
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasan, 'Restating Sentence'
B. Cause and effect order
C. Chronological order
D. Definition and example
E. General to specific order
Jawaban: B. Cause and effect order
Pembahasan: Adjarian, sebenarnya cara pemaparan teks sudah dapar diidentifikasi dari paragraf awal.
“… how much the world's lost glaciers have contributed to rising sea levels.”
Inti dari kalimat di atas adalah hilangnya gletser yang berkontribusi pada kenaikan permukaan air laut.
Dari sini kita sudah mendapatkan intinya, bahwa hilangnya gletser menyebabkan kenaikan air laut.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Menentukan Tema Teks dan Kata Rujukan
Untuk memperkuat keyakinan jawaban, kita dapat sedikit mencermati paragraf-paragraf setelahnya.
Paragraf setelahnya banyak membahas sebab dan bukti-bukti melelehnya gletser.
Kita dapat menemukan beberapa kata kunci, seperti “the glaciers they measured showed they were losing more volume”, “to see how much that contributed to rising sea levels”, ”melting glaciers will also impact”.
Jadi, dapat disimpulkan penulis memaparkan teks dengan susunan sebab akibat atau cause-effect.