– Pernahkah Adjarian membuat sebuah dialog mengenai pleasure and displeasure dalam bahasa Inggris?
Jika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia, expressing pleasure and displeasure adalah ungkapan senang dan tidak senang.
Ungkapan-ungkapan ini biasanya kita nyatakan setelah menerima barang maupun jasa dari seseorang.
Contoh ungkapan senang atau expressing pleasure yang biasa digunakan adalag “great”, “that’s amazing”, “I’m very pleased”, “How pleased I am”, dan sebagainya.
Sementara contoh expressing displeasure adalah “That’s awful”, “I can’t stand with...”, “It’s a bad news”, “I don’t like it”, dan sebagainya.
O iya, pleasure and displeasure diungkapkan dalam bentuk kata sifat atau adjective, dapat berupa kata, frasa, maupun klausa, Adjarian.
Nah, kali ini, kita akan membuat dua contoh dialog expressing pleasure and displeasure.
Langsung saja kita buat bersama, yuk!
“Expressing pleasure adalah ungkapan senang atau puas, sementara expressing displeasure adalah ungkapan tidak senang akan sesuatu”
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Percakapan di Sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Dialog Expressing Pleasure
Axel: Hello Satria, where do you want to go for this weekend?
Satria: I really want to buy some new clothes and shoes.
Axel: Yeah, same here.
Satria: What stuff do you want to buy? How about we go together?
Axel: Good idea! Do you know where to buy good outfits with reasonable price? I need to save my money to get back to my hometown, so I have to be a little selective.
Satria: Don't worry, Satia. There's a shop which selling cheap outfits yet high quality.
Axel: Really? Where is it then?
Satria: It's Rembulan shop, near our campus.
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect tentang Internet dan COVID-19
Axel: It's the new outfits store in our campus complex, isn’t it? I've heard about it. How is the service there?
Satria: The service there is fantastic. The shopkeeper is so nice, the place is so cozy, It makes us want to spend more time there.
Axel: Wow, I can’t wait to go there!
Satria: Good, see you on weekend.
"Untuk mengungkapkan pleasure dan displeasure, kita dapat menggunakan kata sifat."
Contoh Dialog Expressing Displeasure
Dina: Hi Nando, you look sad, what’s wrong with you?
Lina: Yeah, I bought a new phone case from e-commerce and it was broke. It is very awful.
Dina: Oh, what's the matter about it?
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog COVID-19 dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya
Lina: The item is dirty and has some starches. I really hate this!
Dina: I think you have to buy to another trusted e-commerce, Lina.
Lina: Yes, I need to check the testimonials before buying stuff.
Dina: Yes, you are right.
Nah, Adjarian, itulah contoh dialog expressing pleasure dan displeasure dalam bahasa Inggris, ya!
Coba kerjakan soal di bawah ini, yuk!
Pertanyaan |
Buatlah dialog expressing pleasure dan displeasure tentang fasilitas umum! |
Pertanyaan: Cek halaman 1-3. |