"Untuk mengungkapkan pleasure dan displeasure, kita dapat menggunakan kata sifat."
Contoh Dialog Expressing Displeasure
Dina: Hi Nando, you look sad, what’s wrong with you?
Lina: Yeah, I bought a new phone case from e-commerce and it was broke. It is very awful.
Dina: Oh, what's the matter about it?
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog COVID-19 dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya
Lina: The item is dirty and has some starches. I really hate this!
Dina: I think you have to buy to another trusted e-commerce, Lina.
Lina: Yes, I need to check the testimonials before buying stuff.
Dina: Yes, you are right.
Nah, Adjarian, itulah contoh dialog expressing pleasure dan displeasure dalam bahasa Inggris, ya!
Coba kerjakan soal di bawah ini, yuk!
Pertanyaan |
Buatlah dialog expressing pleasure dan displeasure tentang fasilitas umum! |
Pertanyaan: Cek halaman 1-3. |