Jawab Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X, Chapter III Activity 4

By Aldita Prafitasari, Jumat, 5 November 2021 | 10:00 WIB
Going to digunakan untuk mengungkapkan rencana di masa yang akan datang. (Unsplash)

Work in pairs. Lead the following situations and answer the questions.

1. Ical prepares a bait and a hook. He also carries a small bucket and a net. What is he going to do?

Answer: Ical is going to go fishing.

2. Hani's cell phone's battery is low. She gets her power bank. What is she going to do?

Answer: Hani is going to charge her phone using power bank.

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3. Dani and his family are gathering in the front yard. They have prepared a grill, fish, meat, and spices. They have also prepared eating utensils. What are they going to do?

Answer: Dani and his family are going to do a bbq party. They will eat in the front yard with all the family member.

4. Ryan opens a file on his laptop computer. Then, he prepares five sheets of paper and turns on the printer. What is he going to do?

Answer: Ryan is going to print the file in his laptop using his printer.

5. Nadine writes a script and determines the actors and actresses. Arya prepares a camcorder and sound system. Adinda prepares the costumes. Other students set the place. What are they going to do?

Answer: They are going to make film.