5. Issumboshi sheathed a needle sword in a straw case, put on a cup for a sedge hat, and started out with a chopstick staff, in high spirits.
What did issumboshi prepare for his trip? He prepared a needle sword in a straw case, a cup for a sedge hat and a chopstick staff.
(Apa yang disiapkan issumboshi untuk perjalanannya? Dia menyiapkan pedang jarum di kotak jerami, cangkir untuk topi dan tongkat sumpit.)
6. At last Issumboshi reached the capital city and anchored under the bridge.
Where did Issumboshi first anchor his ship? Issumboshi anchored under the bridge.
(Dimana Issumboshi pertama kali menambatkan kapalnya? Issumboshi berlabuh di bawah jembatan.)
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 11, Vocabulary Exercise
7. The Princess liked Issumboshi, and she taught him reading, writing, and various studies. Further, Issumboshi practiced fencing very hard in order to be strong.
What did the Princess teach Issumboshi? She taught him reading, writing, and various studies.
(Apa yang diajarkan putri kepada Issumboshi? Dia mengajarinya membaca, menulis, dan berbagai pelajaran.)
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