3. Grandfather and Grandmother were worried about him, but Issumboshi’s mind would not be changed.
Did grandfather and grandmother agree with Issumboshi’s idea to go to the capital? Yes, they are worried but agree because Issumboshi's mind would not be changed.
(Apakah kakek dan nenek setuju dengan ide Issumboshi untuk pergi ke ibu kota? Ya, mereka khawatir tapi setuju karena pikiran Issumboshi tidak akan berubah.)
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 10, Reading Comprehension Task 1
4. Grandfather and Grandmother were worried about him, but Issumboshi’s mind would not be changed.
How did they feel when they knew that Issumboshi wanted to go to the capital? They felt worried about him.
(Bagaimana perasaan mereka ketika mereka tahu bahwa Issumboshi ingin pergi ke ibu kota? Mereka merasa khawatir tentang dia.)