Q: What information did you prepare or have to talk about an event?
A: - The name of the event
- When did you watch the event
- Where did you watch the event
- What did you see?
- What happened first, next, then?
- How did you feel about the event?
- What made you feel that way?
- What did you hear/see in the event?
Q: Write two sentences that talk about what you feel about an event that you attended.
A: At the time, I feel nervous because my team having a hard time to score a goal. But then I feel happy because the team finnaly score a goal in the end of game.
Q: Write two sentences that represent the event.
A: - This is the fourth event in the past few days.
- The important sport event in my life was asian games 2018 with my friends.
Nah, demikianlah informasi tentang pembahasan soal Chapter Review, Chapter 2: Sports Events, materi bahasa Inggris kelas X.
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Source | : | kemdikbud.go.id |
Penulis | : | Rizky Amalia |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |