- Ada soal Worksheet 3.22 seputar cerita Timun Mas.
Soal tersebut terdapat pada buku bahasa Inggris English for Nusantara Kurikulum Merdeka kelas IX, Chapter 3, Section 2, Part C, halaman 190, Adjarian.
Di dalam soal ada ringkasan dalam bentuk urutan kejadian atau peristiwa dari cerita Timun Mas Part 1 atau bagian 1.
Dalam setiap paragraf ringkasan terdapat bagian yang kosong dan perlu kita lengkapi.
Nah, kita ditugaskan untuk melengkapi paragraf ringkasan dari cerita Timun Mas tersebut.
Langsung saja kita simak pembahasan soalnya di bawah ini, yuk!
Instructions: Read a story about Timun as (Part 1) and then complete the summary of the story.
Bacalah cerita tentang Timun sebagai (Bagian 1) dan kemudian lengkapi ringkasan ceritanya.
The summary of Timun Mas - Part 1.
Ringkasan Timun Mas - Bagian 1.
-> A couple ... a baby inside a golden cucumber in their farm.
Answer: Saw.
A couple saw a baby inside a golden cucumber in their farm.
Sepasang suami istri melihat bayi di dalam timun mas di kebun mereka.
-> They ... a child for so long. So, they were happy to find a baby.
Answer: Wanted.
They wanted a child for so long. So, they were happy to find a baby.
Mereka menginginkan seorang anak begitu lama. Jadi, mereka senang menemukan seorang bayi.
-> They ... someone said, "The baby is mine." It was the green giant.
Answer: Heard.
They heard someone said, "The baby is mine." It was the green giant.
Mereka mendengar seseorang berkata, "Bayi itu milikku." Itu adalah raksasa hijau.
-> The green giant ... the baby tot he couple but they must return her in seventeen years.
Answer: Gave.
The green giant gave the baby tot he couple but they must return her in seventeen years.
Raksasa hijau memberikan bayi itu pada pasangan itu tapi mereka harus mengembalikannya dalam tujuh belas tahun.
-> They cried happily. They ... her with love and care.
Answer: Raised.
They cried happily. They raised her with love and care.
Mereka menangis bahagia. Mereka membesarkannya dengan penuh cinta dan perhatian.
-> Before Timun Mas turned seventeen, the couple ... their promise to return Timun Mas.
Answer: Remembered.
Before Timun Mas turned seventeen, the couple remembered their promise to return Timun Mas.
Sebelum Timun Mas berusia tujuh belas tahun, pasangan itu teringat akan janji mereka untuk mengembalikan Timun Mas.
-> Timun Mas said she ... to work in the factory. She wanted to study in a university.
Answer: Didn't want.
Timun Mas said she didn't want to work in the factory. She wanted to study in a university.
Timun Mas bilang dia tidak mau bekerja di pabrik. Dia ingin belajar di universitas.
-> The mother ... several magical items to fight against the giant.
Answer: Prepared.
The mother prepared several magical items to fight against the giant.
Sang ibu menyiapkan beberapa benda ajaib untuk melawan raksasa.
Nah, itulah pembahasan soal Worksheet 3.22.
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Penulis | : | Mumtahanah Kurniawati |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |