- Dalam buku bahasa Inggris English for Nusantara Kurikulum Merdeka kelas VII, Chapter 5, halaman 244, ada soal Progress Check 2.
Bentuk soal Progress Check merupakan soal yang dibuat untuk mengetes pemahaman materi setelah materi telah selesai dibahas, Adjarian.
O iya, terdapat beberapa kategori soal.
Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas soal Text 1 nomor satu sampai lima.
Yuk, kita simak pembahasan soalnya berikut ini untuk referensi!
Instructions: For numbers 1-5, choose the best answers.
1. These are some competitions in SMP Merdeka's school event, except ...
Berikut ini adalah beberapa perlombaan yang diadakan di sekolah SMP Merdeka, kecuali ...
a. A basketball competition.
b. A storytelling competition.
c. A painting competition.
d. A singing competition.
Answer: C. A painting competition.
2. What competition do Galang and his friends want to join?
Kompetisi apa yang ingin diikuti oleh Galang dan teman-temannya?
a. A soccer competition.
b. A basketball competition.
c. A volleyball competition.
d. A badminton competition.
Answer: B. A basketball competition.
3. Why does Sinta want to join the singing competition?
Mengapa Sinta ingin mengikuti kompetisi menyanyi?
a. Singing is her hobby.
b. The competition is held in the class.
c. The competition is held in the field.
d. Sinta is registering for it in the library.
Answer: A. Singing is her hobby.
4. What is Andre going to do?
Apa yang akan dilakukan Andre?
a. Watch the basketball competition.
b. Register for the art exhibition.
c. Buy a handicraft.
d. Join the painting competition.
Answer: C. Buy a handicraft.
5. Where do competitions take place?
Di manakah kompetisi diadakan?
a. In some classes, art exhibition, and library.
b. In the library, the school field, and art exhibition.
c. In the art exhibition, some classes, and school field.
d. In the school field, some classes, and library.
Answer: D. In the school field, some classes, and library.
Nah, itu dia pembahasan soal Progress Check 2, Text 1.
Sumber: Buku English for Nusantara SMP/MTs Kelas VII Karya Ika Lestari Damayanti, dkk., Kemdikbud.
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Penulis | : | Mumtahanah Kurniawati |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |