(Ruangan itu dibersihkan ibuku seminggu dua kali.)
2. The food is eaten by my brother.
(Makanannya dimakan saudara laki-lakiku.)
3. I am fallen in the wet floor last night.
(Aku jatuh di lantai yang basah kemarin malam.)
4. COVID-19 is considered as the most infectious virus today.
(COVID-19 dianggap sebagai virus paling menular saat ini.)
5. The crown is used by the heir to the throne.
(Mahkotanya digunakan pewaris takhta.)
6. The milk is produced by cow.
(Susu dihasilkan oleh sapi.)
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris tentang Passive Voice
Penulis | : | Jestica Anna |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |