–Quote dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut dengan kutipan.
Kutipan merupakan pengulangan kalimat atau ujaran seseorang atau secara tersurat dari suatu sumber.
Kita bisa menggunakan quote untuk menulis caption.
Terdapat banyak jenis quote yang bisa kita buat atau temui sehari-hari.
Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas soal pemahaman berdasarkan gambar yang berisi quote.
Setiap gambar mengandung makna atau artinya sendiri, Adjarian.
Gambar dan soal pemahaman ada pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII (SMA) edisi revisi 2018.
Perintah soal tersebut ada pada Chapter 3 halaman 34-35.
Kita bisa menemukannya pada bagian reading caption task 2, materi Creating Captions.
Brikut pembahasan soal tersebut.
Yuk, simak!
Baca Juga: Contoh Caption Text tentang Mendaki atau Hiking dalam Bahasa Inggris
Task 2: Observe these pictures and photos.
What are these pictures and photos trying to say? Answer the questions to help you understand them better.
1. Can you mention some attitude problems?
- Aggressive = Agresif
- Arrogant = Arogan
- Callous = Tidak berperasaan
- Cynical = Sinis
- Dishonest = Tidak jujur
- Envious = Iri
- Hostile = Agresif
- Indifferent = Cuek
Baca Juga: 10 Caption IG dalam Bahasa Inggris Mengungkapkan Perasaan Sedih
- Intolerant = Intoleran
- Pessimistic = Pesimistis
- Prejudiced = Berprasangka
- Prideful = Sombong
- Resentful = Marah
- Rude = Kasar
- Selfish = Egois
- Suspicious = Mencurigakan
- Untrusting = Tidak bisa percaya
2. What kind of personality is difficult to handle?
Personality which is difficult to handle is people who always complain, critique and judge. They are almost impossible to please.
Baca Juga: 11 Inspirasi Caption Bahasa Inggris tentang Motivasi Sekolah
People who always feel above everyone else is also difficylt to handle. They like to try impressing you, name-dropping and comparing.
3. What kind of caption is it?
The caption is tell someone that everyone has a different personality. That's not to say it's a bad attitude.
4. Make some quotes about nature!
If you love nature, you will find beauty anywhere.
5. Explain your quotes to your friends.
We can enjoy the beauty of nature wherever we are.
If we love nature, we don't need to go to the top of the mountains or look for the most beautiful beaches.
We can see the beauty of nature in our daily life.
6. Compare your quotes and and the quotes in the caption.
In the picture it only says "10 great quotes on nature" that means the picture is not the quote itself.
Baca Juga: 9 Inspirasi Caption Ungkapan Kasih Sayang Kepada Orang Tua dalam Bahasa Inggris
While the quote that I made is an example of a quote about nature.
Nah Adjarian, itulah pembahasan soal berdasarkan gambar berisi quote dari materi Creating Captions.
Penulis | : | Aldita Prafitasari |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |