– Adjarian, pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas latihan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe mencari statement yang tidak tepat.
Tipe soal satu ini bisa dikatakan sebagai tipe soal yang tidak terlalu sulit, lo.
Yap, kita hanya perlu membaca pilihan jawaban dan kemudian mencarinya dalam teks, nah, opsi yang tidak tercantum dalam teks berarti merupakan opsi yang paling tepat.
Selain itu, kita juga bisa memulainya dengan membaca keseluruhan teks terlebih dahulu, baru kemudian memilih jawaban yang tidak tepat.
O iya, perlu diperhatikan bahwa terkadang penggunaan sinonim kerap muncul untuk menggantikan kata-kata pada teks.
Misalnya, pada teks disebutkan sebuah periode waktu pembangunan selama 12 tahun.
Kata “12 tahun” tersebut sangat mungkin digantikan dengan “more than a decade” atau bisa juga “more than 10 years”.
Soal-soal tipe ini umumnya ditandai dengan frasa “NOT true”, “NOT stated”, atau “NOT mentioned”.
Lalu, bagaimana contoh soalnya? Langsung saja kita bahas bersama, yuk!
Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Mencari Informasi pada Teks
Read the following text
(1) Mount Rushmore is a well-known monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota that features the countenances of four U.S. Presidents: Washington. Jefferson.
Roosevelt and Lincoln. What is not so well known is that the process of creating this national treasure was not exactly an uneventful one.
(2) Mount Rushmore was the project of the visionary sculptor John Gutzen de la Mothe Borglum, who was born in Idaho but studied sculpture in Pans In his youth and befriended the famous French sculptor Auguste Rodin.
In 1927 Borglum was granted a commission by the federal government to create the sculpture of Mount Rushmore.
Though he was nearly sixty years old when he started, he was undaunted by the enormity of the project and the obstacles that it engendered.
He optimistically asserted that the project would be completed within five years, not canng to recognize the potential problems that such a massive project would involve, the problems of dealing with financing, with government bureaucracy, and with Mother Nature herself.
An example that Mother Nature had to throw at the project was the fissure that developed in the granite where Jefferson was being carved.
Jefferson had to be moved to the other side of ther side of Washington, next to Roosevelt because of the break in the stone. The work that had been started on the first Jefferson had to be dynamited away.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasan, Gaya Penjabaran Penulis dan Simpulan Paragraf
(2) Mount Rushmore was not completed within the five years predicted by Borglum and was not in fact not actually completed within Bolgum's lifetime, although it was almost finished.
Bolgum died on March 6, 1941, at the age of seventy-four after fourteen years of work on the presidents. His son, Lincoln Bolgum, who had worked with his father throughout the project, complete the monument within eight months of his father's death.
1. Which of the following is NOT true about Borglum?
A. He began Mount Rushmore around the age of sixty
B. Mount Rushmore was finished when he predicted it would be
C. He worked on Mount Rushmore for more than a decade
D. He predicted that Mount Rushmore for less than a decade
E. Mount Rushmore was completed less than eight months after his death.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan UTBK Bahasa Inggris, Mencari Kesimpulan Paragraf
Jawaban: B. Mount Rushmore was finished when he predicted it would be
Pembahasan: Langkah yang bisa dilakukukan untuk menghemat waktu adalah dengan membaca pilihan jawaban terlebih dahulu, kemudian mencocokkannya dengan teks.
Coba kita mulai urut dari opsi A hingga E.
Opsi A, “He began Mount Rushmore around the age of sixty,” adalah benar dan dapat ditemukan di paragraf kedua, “Though he was nearly sixty years old when he started”.
Opsi B, “Mount Rushmore was finished when he predicted it would be,” adalah SALAH, sesuai dengan pernyataan di paragraf ketiga, “Mount Rushmore was not completed within the five years predicted by Borglum”.
Opsi C, “He worked on Mount Rushmore for more than a decade,” sesuai dengan fakta bahwa Broglum membuat proyek Mount Rushmore sejak 1927 hingga 1941 (14 tahun), berarti lebih dari satu dekade.
Opsi D, “He predicted that Mount Rushmore for less than a decade,” juga sesuai dengan pernyataan pada paragraf kedua, “He optimistically asserted that the project would be completed within five years,” artinya, dia yakin bahwa proyek ini akan rampung dalam lima tahun (kurang dari satu dekade).
Opsi E, “Mount Rushmore was completed less than eight months after his death,” juga benar karena sesuai dengan senuah statement pada paragraf ketiga, “His son, Lincoln Bolgum, …., complete the monument within eight months of his father's death".
Nah, Adjarian, itulah contoh latihan soal UTBK SBMPTN bahasa Inggris tipe mencari statement tidak tepat.
Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasan, Menentukan Motivasi Penulis
Penulis | : | Jestica Anna |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |