– Mengerjakan tugas kelompok di sekolah adalah hal yang biasa, Adjarian.
Namun, jika ada salah satu teman yang kesusahan kita harus selalu siap membantu.
Nah, pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII (SMA) edisi revisi 2018 Chapter 1 halaman 12 terdapat soal mengenai offer a helps doing a history project pada materi May I Help You?.
Soal ini termasuk soal essay, di mana jawabannya tergantung masing-masing dari kita, Adjarian.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 1, Conversation at a Store
Soal tersebut meminta kita untuk melakukan percakapan dalam kelompok berjumlah empat siswa lalu kita perlu menuliskan sebuah dialog untuk setiap situasi.
Nah, di bawahini terdapat beberapa contoh dialog yang bisa menjadi referensi saat Adjarian menjawab soal essay tersebut.
Sekarang, yuk, kita simak soal dan jawaban serta pembahasannya di bawah ini!
1. Kamu sedang mengerjakan tugas Sejarah dengan kelompokmu di perpustakaan sepulang sekolah. Sahabatmu tidak dapat menyelesaikan bagiannya. Tawarkan bantuan untuk melakukannya bersama.
Contoh Dialog 1
Sisca: So, according to the division of tasks for this historical project, Aliyah is working on chapters 2 and 3, right?
Aliyah: Yes, I did that chapter. I've been working on Chapter 2, but I'm having a hard time understanding Chapter 3.
Sisca: Which part do you find difficult? Let me help you.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 3, Declining Invitation
Aliyah: Thank you very much. Try to turn to page 65 in your book, I'm having trouble understanding the timeline of the history of the kingdom.
Sisca: Alright, I'll help you read points 2 and 3, and Jess reads points 5 and 6 that way it's easier for us to understand and draw conclusions.
Jess: Sure, no problem.
Aliyah: Thank you so much, girls. I will try to deal with other point so our project will finish soon.
Contoh Dialog 2
Dio: Dude, why did it take you so long to put together your piece on this project, we're all almost done.
Odi: Sorry bro, I'm really confused about this chapter. I've read it 3 times but still don't understand!
Dio: Which chapter? Here I will help.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 3, Accepting Invitation
Odi: Look here it says 2000 BC but in the next chapter it is 2300 BC. There seems to be something wrong with this book.
Dio: Of course it is different, the war being discussed is also different. Try to pay attention to the sub-chapter.
Odi: Oh, now I understand. Well wait a minute I'll read and collect to you my part of the chapter.
Dio: Sure, take your time.
Penulis | : | Aldita Prafitasari |
Editor | : | Rahwiku Mahanani |