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Sebelum membahas soal Chapter Review, Chapter 4: Healthy Foods kita dapat mempelajari terlebih dahulu materi dalam buku ini.
Chapter 4: Healthy Foods mempelajari tentang gaya hidup sehat dan cara makan lebih bernutrisi.
Selain itu juga menginformasikan tentang tips-tips menjalani gaya hidup yang sehat.
Simak informasi di bawah ini untuk mengetahui pembahasan soal Chapter Review, Chapter 4: Healthy Foods materi bahasa Inggris kelas X halaman 92.
Pembahasan Soal Chapter Review, Chapter 4: Healthy Foods
Chapter Review
Q: If you can live with only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?
A: If I could only eat one food in my life, I would choose rice.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal C. Let's Answer Chapter 4: Healthy Foods, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
I am a true Indonesian who cannot be separated from rice.
In addition, rice can be made into a variety of foods.
We can process it into porridge, fried rice, even just eaten with chili, it's very good. Rice also contains many benefits in it.
Its high content of carbohydrates makes us feel full and increases our energy.
Q: What comes first when you choose to consume food, should it be healthy or tasty? Why?
A: When I choose to consume food, it should be healthy first because healthy food can be tasty too but tasty food is not always healthy.
Q: Mention four examples of processed food that is usually consumed by teenagers.
A: snacks, chips, fast foods, sausage, cakes, biscuits, pizza, etc
Q: From activity "this or that" in task 4, which food that your classmates choose more, local food or international food? Why?
A: Local food that my classmates choose more because there are so many food sellers in front of my school who are selling tradisional food like batagor, cilok, siomai, cimol, etc.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Chapter Review Chapter 3: Sports and Health, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X
Q: Why do you think it is forbidden to eat while you watch TV?
A: It is forbidden to eat while you watch TV because you tend to eat more because you can not focus on your meal and eat unconsciously.
Q: Name two reasons why numbers are used in the procedure text of giving tips?
A: 1. To calculate the amount of tips in the procedure text.
2. To inform steps in the procedure text.
Q: State four nutritious local foods that you can eat on a daily basis.
A: pecel, gado-gado, soto, and sate.
Q: Write two sentences that can be used as a conclusion when you write procedure text.
A: So, here is the steps to cook fried potatoes. It is the easiest way to try.
Nah, demikian informasi tentang pembahasan soal Chapter Review, Chapter 4: Healthy Foods materi bahasa Inggris kelas X halaman 92.
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