Jawab Soal Chapter Review Chapter 3: Sports and Health, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

By Rizky Amalia, Kamis, 30 Mei 2024 | 15:30 WIB
Terdapat soal 'Chapter Review Chapter 3: Sports and Health' dalam buku Bahasa Inggris 'Work in Progress' kelas X halaman 71-72. (JESHOOTS.com)

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Soal Chapter Review Chapter 3: Sports and Health ada di halaman 71 sampai 72.

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Pembahasan Soal Chapter Review Chapter 3: Sports and Health

Chapter Review

Q: If you have to choose, do you want to stay healthy or do you want to stay happy?

A: I want to choose stay healthy, stay healthy means living if we have healthy.

(Saya ingin memilih tetap sehat, tetap sehat artinya hidup jika kita sudah sehat.)

Q: Mention your two favorite ways of staying healthy.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Discuss and Decide Chapter 3: Sports and Health, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

(tangkapan layar) Pembahasan soal 'Chapter Review Chapter 3: Sports and Health', materi bahasa Inggris kelas X. (kemdikbud.go.id)

A: Limit unhealthy foods and eat healthy meals, exercise regularly and be physically active.

(Membatasi makanan tidak sehat dan makan makanan sehat, olahraga teratur, dan aktif secara fisik.)

Q: Why do you think listening to loud music is not good for your health?

A: Because listening loud music can make earaches and make our mine not calm.

(Karena mendengarkan musik keras bisa membuat telinga kita sakit dan membuat telinga kita tidak tenang.)

Q: Give two examples of what your classmates always do to stay healthy based on survey activity in Task 3 Part C.

A: Stay healthy inside that is from the mine. Stay healthy inside that is from the mine. Stay healthy from outside keep our body healthy.

(Tetap sehat di dalam yang berasal dari kita. Tetap sehat di dalam yang berasal dari kita. Jagalah kesehatan dari luar, jagalah kesehatan tubuh kita.)

Q: How do you think your lifestyle can affect your health?

A: My lifestyle can affect my health because bad life style and not doing the exercises that make our health worse.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Chapter Review, Chapter 2: Sports Events, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

(Gaya hidup saya dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan saya karena gaya hidup yang buruk dan tidak melakukan olahraga dapat memperburuk kesehatan kita.)

Q: Why do you think people should pay attention to both mental health and physical health?

A: Because the two of both are important mental health make in peace and physical health make easy to move.

(Karena kedua hal itu penting, bahwa kesehatan mental membuat tentram dan kesehatan fisik bisa mempermudah beraktivitas.)

Q: What are the three parts of the procedure text?

A: Three parts to procedure to read, hear, and understand.

(Tiga bagian prosedur untuk membaca, mendengar, dan memahami.)

Q: Write three words that can be used to signal steps when you give some tips to do something.

A: Do, that, and try.

(Lakukan, itu, dan coba.)

Q: Write two sentences that can be used as the introduction on how to stay healthy.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal A. Read and Decide & B. Let's Complete It Chapter 3: Sports and Health, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

A: - Stay healthy we can achieve if we do exercise regularly.

(Tetap sehat bisa kita capai jika kita rutin berolahraga.)

- To keep healthy inside we need to clear our mine and don't over thinking.

(Untuk tetap sehat dari dalam kita perlu membersihkan tubuh kita dan tidak berpikir berlebihan.)

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