3. What is sago for in the Indonesian culture?
Answer: Sago is an edible starch obtained from a particular tree growing in freshwater swamps in Southeast Asia.
(Sagu adalah pati yang dapat dimakan yang diperoleh dari pohon tertentu yang tumbuh di rawa air tawar di Asia Tenggara.)
4. How do you maintain the tolerance in worshipping and praying?
Answer: I respect each others religion.
(Saya menghormati agama satu sama lain.)
5. Have you ever seen people chanting? What it is for?
Answer: Yes, I have seen people chanting. I saw it at the Balinese dance performance.
(Ya, saya telah melihat orang-orang bernyanyi. Saya melihatnya di pertunjukan tari Bali.)
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