Expressions to Ask and Say The Price, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Kurikulum Merdeka

By Mumtahanah Kurniawati, Senin, 22 April 2024 | 14:30 WIB
Contoh expressions to ask and say the price. (Freepik)

Expressions to Ask and Say The Price

1. How much is it/the backpack/the book?

Berapa harga tas ransel/bukunya?

-> It's 50,000 rupiahs.

Harganya 50.000 rupiah.

2. How much are they/the backpacks/the books?

Berapa harga tas ransel/buku-buku itu?

-> They are 100,000 rupiahs.

Berapa harga tas ransel/buku-buku itu?

3. How much does it/the backpack/the book cost?

Berapa harga tas ransel/buku itu?

-> It costs 50,000 rupiahs.

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