Jawab Soal Worksheet 5.17, Buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka English for Nusantara Kelas VIII, Section 5, Part A

By Mumtahanah Kurniawati, Rabu, 24 Januari 2024 | 15:30 WIB
Pada buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Kurikulum Merdeka, halaman 278, terdapat soal Worksheet 5.17. (Freepik)

I just wanted to run home but the leader was very understanding. He fixed an appointment for the following week.

He explained how to relax and do breathing techniques. So I practiced everything he told me.

I went around the house making drum noises, bass noises, and piano sounds. Dad helped me out.

- Detail

Problem: I always felt nervous every time I got into an audition.

It felt more relaxed after the leader asked me to do the breathing technique.

3. Resolution

- Function: Giving the Solution(s) for the conflict(s)/ problem(s).

- Example: The next time I had prepared everything. But, I did not play well enough because I was still nervous, but not as much as the first one.

I told the leader that I needed a bit more time. The third time was a completely different story. I enjoyed it.

Then, one Saturday morning, I played in front of the whole  band and they clapped. The leader said:

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Worksheet 5.9, Buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka English for Nusantara Kelas VIII, Section 3, Part E

"Let's welcome Peter to the band. He deserves his place."

I was just so happy and I was very proud of myself. They gave me the band's uniform.

- Detail

Resolution: Peter got into the band.

Itu dia pembahasan soal Worksheet 5.17.


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