- Pada buku bahasa Inggris English for Nusantara Kurikulum Merdeka kelas VIII, Chapter 4, Unit 2, Section 4, Part C dan D, halaman 214, terdapat soal Worksheet 4.14 dan 4.15.
Soal tersebut berkaitan dengan Wh-Questions, Adjarian.
Materi tentang Wh-Questions bisa kita baca dan pahami di halaman 212.
Wh-Questions adalah kalimat tanya bahasa Inggris yang diawali oleh 5W+1H, yaitu what, who, when, where, why, dan how.
Jenis kalimat ini berfungsi untuk menanyakan suatu hal secara detail atau rinci, seperti waktu, tempat, alasan, hingga proses suatu hal dapat terjadi.
Nah, berikut pembahasan soal tersebut yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi.
Simak bersama, yuk!
Section 4, Part C
Instructions: Complete the following questions with (1) a correct Wh-question, (2) a subject (in bold) and (3) a base form of the verb (underlined) to answer the italicized phrases in the answers column.
1. What did they do immediately?
Answer: They removed the object immediately.
2. Why did they remove the object immediately?
Answer: They removed it immediately because they were far away in the ocean.
Section 4, Part D
Instructions: Complete each of the following questions with (1) a correct Wh-question,(2) a subject (in bold) and (3) a base form of the verb (underlined) in the answers.
1. What was the object like?
Answer: The object was wrinkled and brownish.
2. What was it?
Answer: It was a plastic drinking straw.
3. What did the team of scientist collect in the ocean?
Answer: The team of scientists collected data on sea turtles.
Itu dia pembahasan soal Worksheet 4.14 dan 4.15.
Sumber: Buku English for Nusantara SMP/MTS Kelas VIII Karya Ika Lestari Damayanti, dkk., Kemdikbud.
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