Galang: I have too many books I don't know where to store them. My drawers are full. That is why I put some of them under (15) my bed.
Andre: Don't you think it is too dusty to put your books there? There is usually a lot of dust (16) under the bed.
Galang: Yeah ... but I don't know where else I should put them.
Andre: Why don't you donate the books you don't read anymore? I know a place to donate book.
Galang: That's a great idea! Will you help me sort the books?
Andre: Sure! Let's start by putting the books out. Then, we can clean (17) them from the dust together.
Galang: Okay, thank you, Andre.
Nah, itu dia pembahasan soal progress check 1 conversation nomor 13-17.
Sumber: Buku English for Nusantara SMP/MTs Kelas VII Karya Ika Lestari Damayanti, dkk., Kemdikbud.
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