- Pernahkah Adjarian membaca dongeng Timun Mas?
Pada buku bahasa Inggris English for Nusantara Kurikulum Merdeka kelas VIII, Chapter 2, halaman 126 terdapat soal progress check 1 tentang Timun Mas, Adjarian.
Dongeng Timun Mas tersebut bercerita tentang Mbok Srini yang mendapat timun ajaib dari Buto Ijo.
Pada soal progress check 1 tersebut kita ditugaskan untuk menyusun paragraf teks bacaan "Timun Mas - The Golden Cucumber Girl" secara runtut dengan baik dan benar.
Yuk, kita simak pembahasan soalnya berikut ini untuk referensi!
Timun Mas - The Golden Cucumber Girl
Instructions: Arrange the paragraphs into a proper story.
1. Paragraph 1
The story starts with the meeting of Buto Ijo and Mbok Srini Buto Ijo was a strong and mystical giant. Mbok was a childless old widow who lived on her own.
Mbok Srini asked Buto Ijo, to be blessed with a child. Buto Ijo gave her a large cucumber and asked her to vow that Mbok Srini would give her child when the time came.
2. Paragraph 2
Mbok brought the cucumber home. She did not know how Buto Ijo would grant her wish. After plantings the cucumber for some time, she found out that there was a baby girl hidden inside the cucumber.
Then, she named her Timun Mas, Timun means cucumber, and Mas means gold. Mbok Srini gave the child the best possible upbringing, forgetting the important promise she made to Buto Ijo.
3. Paragraph 3
One day, Buto Ijo visits the old woman's house asking her to fulfill her promise. With a stash of magic cucumber seeds, needles, and salt from her mother, Timun Mas runs away.
4. Paragraph 4
In a rage, Buto Ijo chases after Timun Mas. The small yet strong at heart Timun Mas manages to escape, using her mother's magic tricks.
Buto Ijo is finally defeated when Timun Mas sprinkles salt around him that turns into an ocean, swallowing him whole.
Nah, itu dia pembahasan soal progress check 1 tentang Timun Mas.
Sumber: Buku English for Nusantara SMP/MTS Kelas VIII Karya Ika Lestari Damayanti, dkk., Kemdikbud.
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