4. Shinta and Tamara love playing badminton. (a) They always play badminton on sunday morning. (b) They want to be a professionals badminton players one day.
5. Pak Rahmansyah likes jogging. (a) He jogs once a week. (b) He jogs at the park on sundays.
6. Ibu Komang's husband likes photography. (a) He usually take pictures using (b) his smartphone.
7. Monita and her father love hiking. (a) They like to walk in the countryside. (b) They preferred hiking trail in Matang Kaladan Hill.
8. Andre's mother likes cooking. (a) Her soto banjar is very delicious. (b) She wants to join the Master Chef competition one day.
Nah, itulah pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris kelas VII Section 5, Part F.
Sumber: Buku English for Nusantara SMP/MTs Kelas VII Karya Ika Lestari Damayanti, dkk.
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