Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 7, 'We Shall Overcome'

By Aldita Prafitasari, Kamis, 16 Maret 2023 | 13:30 WIB
Terdapat soal lirik lagu pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XI edisi revisi 2017 Chapter 7 halaman 89-90, materi 'Meaning Through Music'. (Unsplash)

adjar.id - Pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XI edisi revisi 2017, Chapter 7, halaman 89-90, materi "Meaning Through Music" terdapat soal analisis lirik lagu atau song lyric.

Lagu yang perlu kita analisis berjudul We Shall Overcome karya Pete Seeger.

Terdapat tiga pertanyaan yang perlu kita jawab, Adjarian.

Nah, berikut pembahasan soal tersebut untuk referensi.

Setelah menyimaknya, Adjarian dapat menuliskan jawaban sesuai pendapat sendiri.

Discussion Questions for We Shall Overcome

1. What do you think is the theme of this song?

Answer: I think the theme of this song is about how we have to be brave to face everything in life.

We also have to believe that everything will be fine one day.

That way, we will live in peace in this world someday.

2. Is this an inspiring song? Does it inspire you?

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Chapter 7, 'Stand by Me'

Answer: Yes, this song is an inspirational song.

This song inspires me to always believe in good things.

We must believe and strive to make this world a peaceful place by always treating people as the same regardless of race, social status or religion.

That way, the world will be more comfortable for everyone to live in.

3. Do you think you can overcome all obstacles and live in a happy and prosperous world?

Answer: Yes, I believe I can face obstacles in life.