Contoh Paragraf Bahasa Inggris Mendeskripsikan Ruangan Favorit di Sekolah

By Jestica Anna, Jumat, 2 Desember 2022 | 14:00 WIB
Dalam bahasa Inggris, ruangan favorit di sekolah disebut dengan favorite room in school. (Piqsels)

The library has a huge selection of books to borrow and read for free.

Apart from getting lessons from the teacher, I also got a lot of knowledge through the books I read.

I like to read encyclopedias and biographies of famous figures during school breaks or free hours.

Sometimes, I also borrow novels to bring home to accompany my daily life.

Every time I come to the library to borrow books, I never forget to always bring my library membership card.

If the books are lost or returned late, I can be fined.

Do you want to know where the library is in my school?

If you walk from the school gate, you have to walk straight for about 10 meters until you find the end corridor, after that turn right, the library is located between the teacher's room and the guidance and counseling room.


Halo, namaku Dinda. Aku ingin bercerita tentang ruangan kesukaanku di sekolah.

Ruangan kesukaanku di sekolah adalah perpustakaan. Kenapa aku suka perpustakaan? Karena aku suka membaca.

Baca Juga: Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Membicarakan Ruangan Favorit