Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas XI Concluding Section 2, Transkrip Listening 'Why is Climate Important?'

By Aldita Prafitasari, Rabu, 16 November 2022 | 16:00 WIB
Terdapat transkrip teks listening pada buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka kelas XI (SMA) Concluding Section 2, halaman 181. (Unsplash)

adjar.id - Pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka halaman 181 bagian Concluding Section 2 terdapat soal pertanyaan listening yang harus kita kerjakan.

Yap, bagian tersebut memuat latihan soal yang meliputi materi-materi yang sudah kita bahas di bab sebelumnya, Adjarian.

Nah, sebelum mengerjakan soal listening kita diminta untuk mendengarkan teks cerita terlebih dahulu.

Berikut transkrip rekaman audio teks yang menceritakan tentang mengapa iklim sangat penting bagi kehidupan kita.

Transkrip di bawah ini bisa Adjarian jadikan acuan untuk menjawab soal pemahaman di bagian selanjutnya.

Yuk, simak!


Part 1

Listening and Speaking

Why is climate important?

Climate affects nearly every aspect of our lives, from our food sources to our transport infrastructure, from what clothes we wear, to where we go on holiday.

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It has a huge effect on our livelihoods, our health, and our future.

There are some reasons why climate change is important.

First, studying the climate helps us predict how much rain the next winter might bring, or how far sea levels will rise due to warmer sea temperatures.

Second, we can also see which regions are most likely to be affected by extreme weather, or which wildlife species are threatened by climate change.

Third, climate is affected by our atmosphere, a layer of gases that surrounds the earth.

Some gases trap more heat than others.

The gases that trap the most heat are called greenhouse gases because they allow heat to reach the earth, but do not let it escape – similar to how a greenhouse works.

The more greenhouse gases there are the warmer the earth’s climate becomes.

This means that human activities which release greenhouse gases, like burning fossil fuels, lead to climate change.

In conclusion, it’s important that we understand how the climate is changing, so that we can prepare for the future.

Nah, itulah transkrip teks listening, materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA bagian Concluding Section 2.

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