Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Chapter 3, Must and Must Not

By Aldita Prafitasari, Senin, 7 November 2022 | 12:00 WIB
Terdapat soal Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII edisi revisi 2017 Chapter 3 halaman 37, tentang must and must not. (freepik)

adjar.id – Kali ini kita akan mempelajari peraturan di sekolah Siti, Edo, Dayu, dan Udin yang merupakan karakter pada soal bahasa Inggris yang akan kita bahas.

Dalam menulis peraturan, kita perlu menggunakan kata must dan must not.

Must berarti harus dan must not berarti tidak boleh.

Soal tersebut ada pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII edisi revisi 2017 Chapter 3 halaman 37, materi "we know what to do".

Jawaban di bawah ini mengacu pada pernyataan Siti, Edo, Dayu, dan Udin pada halaman 40-42.

Nah, yuk, simak pembahasan tersebut di bawah ini!

We just learned to give suggestions, what we should and should not do. Now we will learn to say what we must do and must not do, like rules and obligation.

Here are what we will do. First, we will listen carefully to our teacher reading the rules and obligations stated by Siti, Edo, Dayu, and Udin.

Second, we will repeat the rules and obligations after him/her, sentence by sentence.

Then, in groups we will say, not read, to each other all the rules and obligations stated by each student, like the example on page 42.

We know from Siti the following rules in the school:

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1. The students must wear a uniform every day.

2. From Monday to Thursday they must wear the batik shirt.

3. The girls must wear a black skirt.

4. The boys must wear a pair of black pants.

5. On Friday they must wear the Scout uniform.

6. They must wear proper shoes.

7. They must not wear sandals, a T-shirt, or a casual wear at any place and at any time during the school hours.

We know from Dayu the following rules in the school:

1. They must not be late to school.

2. They must come on time to class and to the lag ceremony.

3. If they are late, they must wait outside the gate.

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4. They must not come in until the security guard gives them permission.

5. They must sign a paper before they come to class.

6. If they cannot come on time for any reason, they must hand in a notice from their parents to the principal.

We know from Edo the following rules in the school:

1. They must keep their class clean and tidy.

2. They must not litter.

3. They must put the garbage in the garbage bin.

4. They must not write or draw anything on the desks and on the walls.

5. They must sweep the loor.

6. They must dust the teacher’s desk and the shelf every day.

We know from Beni the following rules in the school:

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1. They must not be noisy.

2. They must respect their friends who are working seriously.

3. They must not chat and talk very loudly in class.

4. They must keep their voice low.

5. They must not play around.

6. They must work at their desks most of the time.

Itu dia pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris seputar peraturan di sekolah must or must not yang bisa kita pelajari, Adjarian.