11 Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Past Tense dan Artinya

By Jestica Anna, Selasa, 18 Oktober 2022 | 18:40 WIB
Passive voice adalah sebuah kalimat di mana subjeknya diberi aksi atau perbuatan. (Pexels)

2. His new poem was reviewed by the litterateur.

(Puisi barunya telah ditinjau oleh sastrawan.)

3. My shoes were not stolen.

(Sepatuku tidak dicuri.)

4. The file was edited by Sansa three hours ago.

(Berkasnya sudah diedit oleh Sansa tiga jam yang lalu.)

5. I was invited by the Governor to come to his house.

(Aku diundang oleh Gubernur untuk datang ke rumahnya.)

6. The students were asked to arrive before 7 a.m.

(Murid-murid diminta untuk datang sebelum pukul 7 pagi.)

7. The cake was baked by my sister.

Baca Juga: 15 Contoh Kalimat Pasif Present Continuous Tense