Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas XI Unit 4, Listening Activity 1

By Aldita Prafitasari, Selasa, 18 Oktober 2022 | 14:20 WIB
Terdapat soal pada buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka kelas XI (SMA) Unit 4 halaman 131, materi Analytical Exposition Text. (Freepik)

adjar.id - Terdapat soal materi Analytical Exposition Text pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka, Unit 4, Listening Activity 1, halaman 131.

Untuk dapat mengerjakan soal tersebut, kita harus mencermati gambar.

Gambar tersebut berhubungan dengan unhealthy environment atau 'lingkungan yang tidak sehat', Adjarian.

O iya, jawaban setiap orang saat mengerjakan soal ini bisa berbeda-beda karena kita harus mengungkapkan pendapat kita.

Jadi, pembahasan soal ini hanya sebagai referensi saja, ya.

Nah, yuk, kita simak!

Listening Activity 1

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What can you see in the picture?

Answer: Unhealthy environment.

The unhealthy environment is not only visible, for example, such as scattered garbage but also dirty air in the form of factory smoke and motor vehicle fumes.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas XI Unit 4, Activity 8

There is also factory waste that is dumped into the river which can pollute the water and the ecosystem in the river.

In addition, excessive use of petroleum is also an example of an unhealthy environment.

2. Have you ever found your surroundings dirty and full of trash?

Answer: Yes, I have.

In my environment there is an unkempt garden, where weeds and wild trees grow.

The existence of the garden has even become a place for people to throw garbage carelessly.

Usually, people who throw garbage there are not from residents who live nearby but from residents who live far from there.

They feel they have no responsibility if other people's environment becomes damaged and unhealthy.

3. What should you do if you find a river in your neighbourhood full of garbage?

Answer: If I see a very dirty river, I will first report it to the village officials.

Usually, the village apparatus will decide whether we can handle this on our own by doing community service or having to report it to the environmental service.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas XI Unit 4, Activity 7

If the villagers can clean it themselves, then we will do community service to clean the river.

By doing community service, it will increase people's awareness of the importance of keeping rivers clean.

In addition, the work will also be completed quickly and does not take much time.

Nah, itu dia pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris materi analytical exposition text.