Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Progress Check 1 No. 6-7, Buku Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas VII

By Jestica Anna, Selasa, 11 Oktober 2022 | 16:00 WIB
Pada bagian Progress Check 1 No. 6-7, buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka kelas VII, terdapat soal-soal yang membahas tentang procedure text dan hobby. (Pixabay)

adjar.id - Di bawah ini adalah pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris yang ada di dalam buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka English for Nusantara kelas VII.

Soal-soal yang akan kita bahas kali ini ada di halaman 149-150, bagian Progress Check 1.

Terdapat dua topik utama pembahasan soal, yaitu seputar procedure text dan hobby.

Procedure text atau teks prosedur bahasa Inggris adalah jenis teks yang berisi urutan langkah mengerjakan sesuatu.

Sesuai dengan pengertiannya, tugas kita adalah mengurutkan langkah-langkah pada soal, sehingga tersusun prosedur teks yang benar.

Sementara itu, pada bagian "hobby", kita diminta untuk mendeskripsikan hobi masing-masing.

Tak perlu bingung, sebab kita hanya tinggal melengkapi isi kalimat saja, Adjarian.

Sebelum mengerjakan, jangan lupa pahami instruksi soal, supaya tidak keliru.

Beikut pembahasannya.

Progress Check 1

Text 2

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Progress Check 1 No. 1-5, Buku Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas VII

Andre is going to make a pancake for the irst time. He needs to follow the recipe to make it but the steps are in the wrong order. Help Andre arrange the steps in the correct order.

How to Make a Pancake

1. Next, put two cups of flour and two tablespoons of butter into the bowl along with the wet ingredients and mix them together.

2. Then, heat a pan with a low-medium heat with cooking oil and ⅓ cup of butter.

3. First, add two eggs and two cups of milk to the bowl as the wet ingredients. Whisk it together until it is smooth and lump-free.

4. Finally, put the pancake on a plate and serve it with toppings you like.

5. Cook the pancake for one to two minutes until the bottom of the pancake is golden brown. Flip and cook until the pancake turns golden.

Arrange the text numbers to make the correct step to make a pancake.

6. 3 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 4

7. Think about your hobby. Describe what you need for your hobby, how many times you do your hobby, and the reason why you like to do your hobby. To describe your hobby, you may use the sentences below.

My hobby is __________

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Procedure Text 'How to Separate Recycling Items', Buku Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas VII

Answer: My hobby is cooking.

I like __________

Answer: I like cooking vegetables.

To do __________ I need __________

Answer: To do cook vegetables, I need raw vegetables, seasoning, and quipments.

I often play __________

Answer: I often play tennis.

I usually play __________

Answer: I usually play tennis at the court near my house twice a week.

I like to __________ because __________

Answer: I like to play tennis because it can make me healthy.

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Adjarian, itulah pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris bagian Progress Check 1.