Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 7, Grammar Review Task 2

By Aldita Prafitasari, Senin, 3 Oktober 2022 | 20:20 WIB
Terdapat soal simple past tense Bahasa Inggris kelas X edisi revisi 2016 Chapter 7 halaman 103, Grammar Review, task 2, materi The Wright Brothers. (Unsplash)

5. Yesterday I helped my mother wash the sheets and blankets which were very heavy.

6. Lisa is a good sister because yesterday she was willing to not play together to take care of her sister.

7. I really wanted to exercise with you guys yesterday but I wasn't feeling well yesterday.

8. Geez! I forgot I haven't fed my fish since yesterday.

9. Yesterday my father and I sunbathed as usual, since the outbreak of covid, my family and I always took the time to sunbathe.

10. My grandmother had to be rushed to the hospital last night because she slipped in the bathroom.


1. Kemarin aku dan orang tuaku pergi ke mal untuk makan ayam goreng.

2. Aku tidak bisa tidur nyenyak kemarin karena aku terlalu lelah untuk berolahraga setelah lama tidak berolahraga.

3. Aku dan temanku memutuskan untuk belajar matematika yang selama ini kami hindari karena terlalu sulit.

4. Kemarin sangat menyenangkan karena bisa bermain bersama teman-teman di rumah dan menonton film yang sudah lama ingin kami tonton.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 7, Grammar Review - Present Perfect Tense