- Pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII (SMA) edisi revisi 2018 Chapter 11 halaman 150 terdapat soal pada bagian Warmer Task 1.
Soal pada materi Let's Make a Better World for All tersebut meminta kita untuk mendiskusikan topik mengenai musik.
Topik yang harus didiskusikan adalah apakah musik memengaruhi mood atau suasana hati saat kita mendengarkannya.
Nah, kita perlu mendiskusikannya dengan teman sebangku.
O iya, jawaban dari soal tersebut nantinya tentu akan berbeda satu sama lain sesuai dengan pendapat masing-masing orang.
Nah, pembahasan soal di bawah ini bisa Adjarian jadikan sebagai referensi saat mengerjakan.
Yuk, simak!
Task 1: Work in pairs with your chair-mate.
People say that songs create mood. Do you agree with that?
Discuss with your chair-mate for 10 minutes about the songs that can influence your mood.
I agree with the statement that songs can affect mood.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Vocabulary Exercise, Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Chapter 11
When we are feeling sad, listening to happy songs will be enough to help overcome our sadness.
Especially for people who really like music.
Music can be a way to forget the problems that are being experienced even if only for a moment.
In addition, when we study we can also listen to classical music.
In addition to influencing the mood to be more enthusiastic about learning, listening to classical music can also help concentration.
In fact, this is already the result of research by experts!
Music also stimulates the part of the brain that produces the hormone dopamine.
As we know, the hormone dopamine affects emotional behavior and mood.