Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Procedure Text 'Let's Clean Up the Yard', Buku Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas VII

By Jestica Anna, Jumat, 30 September 2022 | 19:40 WIB
Terdapat soal bahasa Inggris yang membahas teks prosedur memisahkan sampah organik dan anorganik di dlaam buku Bahasa Inggris Kuriulum Merdeka English for Nusantara kelas VII halaman 134. (Unsplash)

The goal of the activity (Say what you are trying to do)

1. To clean up the yard.

Equpment (List of tools)

1. Two big plastic bags

2. Two pair of gloves

Steps (List steps of the activity)

1. Prepare the equipment to separate the rubbish.

2. Wear the gloves.

3. Put the first plastic for organic rubbish.

4. Put another plastic bag for non-organic rubbish.

5. Separate the rubbish based on the categories, for example food scraps and vegetables go into the first plastic bag. Then, plastic, glass, paper, and wood go into the other plastic bag.

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