7. Why do many friends enjoy Dinda’s company?
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 6, Vocabulary Builder
Answer: Because she’s cheerful and friendly.
8. What is Dinda’s bad habit?
Answer: When she doesn’t get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps herfeet.
9. What is Dinda’s hobby?
Answer: Dinda loves drawing, especially manga characters.
10. What does the writer feel about Dinda?
Answer: The writer is really glad to have a best friend like Dinda.
11. Why do people use descriptive text?
Answer: To describe things, people, or places.
12. Is there any information in the text that you think is not relevant to your context?
Answer: No, there isn't any information in the text that you think is not relevant to my context.
Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 6, Writing, Task 1
Nah, itulah pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris tema "Giving Announcement" seputar reading test.