2. Tumnus was a servant of a terrible White Witch, who had bewitched Narnia so that it was always winter and never Christmas.
3. The witch fed Edmund enchanted Turkish Delight and persuaded him to bring back his siblings.
4. Tumnus had been jailed on treason accusations.
5. When the Pevensies passed a forest lamppost while hunting a magical white deer, they returned to their former world, where time had scarcely passed and they were once again kids.
1. Faun = A fictional creature that looks like a small man with a goat’s back legs, a tail, ears, and horns.
2. Bewitched = Put a magic spell on someone or something in order to control him/her/it.
3. Turkish Delight = A soft sweet that is usually cut into squares and dusted with powdered sugar.
4. Treason = The crime of assisting your country’s enemies or seeking to overthrow the government illegally.
5. Shattered = Broke suddenly into very small pieces.
1. Faun = Makhluk fiksi yang terlihat seperti manusia kecil dengan kaki belakang kambing, ekor, telinga, dan tanduk.
Baca Juga: Langkah-Langkah Membuat Teks Cerita Fantasi
2. Menyihir = Menempatkan mantra sihir pada seseorang atau sesuatu untuk mengendalikannya.
3. Turkish Delight = Manisan lembut yang biasanya dipotong kotak-kotak dan ditaburi gula halus.
4. Pengkhianatan = Kejahatan dalam bentuk membantu musuh negara atau berusaha menggulingkan pemerintah secara ilegal.
5. Hancur = Tiba-tiba pecah menjadi potongan-potongan yang sangat kecil.
Nah, itulah pembahasan soal vocabulary pada Reading, Activity 1 materi Fantasy.