Jawab Soal Harga Makanan Canteen A dan Canteen B, Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Unit 3 Kurikulum Merdeka

By Aldita Prafitasari, Jumat, 9 September 2022 | 14:30 WIB
Ada soal seputar menyebutkan harga makanan di Canteen A dan Canteen B pada buku bahasa Inggris My Next Words for Elementary School kelas 5 SD. (Freepik)

adjar.id - Ada soal yang meminta kita menyebutkan harga-harga makanan yang ada di kantin.

Soal tersebut ada di buku bahasa Inggris My Next Words for Elementary School kelas 5 SD Unit 3, materi "How much is it?" halaman 35.

Untuk bisa menjawabnya, kita harus mencermati daftar harga makanan Canteen A dan Canteen B yang ada di halaman sebelumnya.

Nah, berikut pembahasan soal tersebut yang bisa Adjarian jadikan sebagai referensi.

Simak, yuk! 

Answer the questions below based on the pictures on page 34.

1. Does Canteen A sell gado-gado?

Answer: No, Canteen A doesn't sell gado-gado.

2. How much is a plate of shumai in Canteen A?

Answer: It is eight thousand rupiahs.

3. Which canteen sells noodles for Rp3,000?

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Menyebutkan Harga Benda, Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Unit 3 Kurikulum Merdeka

Answer: Canteen that sells noodles for Rp 3,000 is Canteen B.

4. What's on the menu at Canteen B?

Answer: There are shumai, noodles, bread, ice tea, and bakso.

5. Do both canteens (Canteen A and Canteen B) sell bread and bakso?

Answer: Yes, both canteens sell bread and bakso.

6. How much is a bowl of bakso at Canteen B?

Answer: A bowl of bakso at Canteen B is five thousand rupiahs.

7. How much are a bowl of bakso and a glass of ice tea at Canteen A?

Answer: It is ten thousand and five hundred rupiahs.

8. What's on the menu at Canteen A?

Answer: There are shumai, noodles, bread, ice tea, and bakso.

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9. How much are a plate of shumai, a piece of bread, and a glass of ice cream at Canteen B?

Answer: A plate shumai and a piece of brea is eight thousand and five hundred rupiahs.

Canteen B doesn't sell ice cream.

10. Which foods are the most expensive?

Answer: Foods that are the most expesive at Canteen A is shumai and bakso which is eight thousand rupiahs.

Itulah pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris seputar menyebutkan harga makanan di Canteen A dan Canteen B pada materi "How much is it?".