Jawab Soal Responding to an Email or a Letter, Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Chapter 1

By Aldita Prafitasari, Jumat, 2 September 2022 | 11:40 WIB
Terdapat soal mengenai responding an email pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X (SMA) edisi revisi 2016 Chapter 1. (Freepik)

My father and mother both worked until the afternoon, so I had to be independent.

3. What do you write to end your letter/email?


It's been a pleasure to chat with you through this email.

I hope we can be good friends in the future.

Every now and then I will insert photos of my daily activities.

I hope you have a great day, Hannah!

I will wait for your reply.

Best regards, Alia.

Itu dia pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris seputar membalas surat atau responding to an email or a letter.