– Kali ini kita akan membahas soal pemahaman berdasarkan gambar yang ada pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII (SMA) edisi revisi 2018.
Terdapat dua gambar yang akan kita bahas kali ini.
Gambar pertama menunjukkan persahabatan yang terlihat dari tulisan "friendship" pada gambar.
Gambar selanjutnya membahas tentang salah satu ilmuwan terkemuka, yaitu Albert Einstein.
Soal pemahaman gambar tersebut bisa kita temukan pada Chapter 3 halaman 34-35.
Kita bisa menemukannya pada bagian reading caption task 2, materi Creating Captions.
Soal pemahaman di bawah ini merupakan soal essay yang jawabannya sesuai dengan cara pandang masing-masing siswa.
Oleh sebab itu, pembahasan soal kali ini bisa Adjarian jadikan referensi dalam menjawab.
Sekarang, yuk, kita simak soal dan pembahasan soalnya di bawah ini!
Task 2: Observe these pictures and photos.
What are these pictures and photos trying to say? Answer the questions to help you understand them better.
Baca Juga: 7 Contoh Caption Text Tentang Keluarga dalam Bahasa Inggris
7. What does friendship mean to you?
A friend is someone who is always there when we want to share stories and gives attention when we need it.
When with friends there is no sadness, they will always make us smile.
Being with friends is an unforgettable event, because with them all events will become beautiful memories.
Friends are not those who can make all your problems disappear, but who will not disappear when you have problems.
8. Write a sentence or phrase under the word "friendship" in the caption.
One of the beauties of true friendship is the ability to understand and be understood by each other.
9. What do you think about the quote in this caption?
In picture three, it can be seen that there are two cats who are doing the exact same activity at the same time.
Underneath it appears the words '"riendship" which describes their closeness.
Just like the cat in the picture, humans also have friends to spend time with.
Baca Juga: 11 Contoh Caption IG Mengungkapkan Rasa Syukur dalam Bahasa Inggris
10. What do you think about the picture? Is the man happy? What does this man symbolize?
Yes, he looks happy.
The man in the picture is named Albert Einstein who is one of the greatest physicists of all time.
In the picture he symbolizes the wisdom of how he conveys the knowledge he has to his students.
11. Write your own caption inside this photo!
“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”
Itulah pembahasan soal berdasarkan gambar berisi quote dari materi Creating Captions.