Contoh Teks Deskripsi tentang Idola dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Aldita Prafitasari, Minggu, 21 Agustus 2022 | 17:00 WIB
Dalam menulis teks deskripsi, kita bisa mengangkat topik apapun, termasuk tentang idola. (Pixabay)

I adore Jerome Polin because he likes to share mathematics and Japanese content in his Youtube channel.

I learned a lot of easy mathematics formulas and Japanese because of watching his videos on Youtube.

Other than that, he also often shares interesting content, such as introducing Japanese food and culture.

Oh, he used to be a student of Applied Mathematics at Waseda University. He entered a university in Japan using a scholarship.

Even when he was in high school, he had often won various competitions in mathematics.

This is what makes me aodre him even more. I am motivated to study hard so that I can continue studying abroad.

Jerome Polin looks cool. He explained the content in the video very well and clearly.

Sometimes he also makes jokes that make his friends laugh.

He is a friendly person, he has a lot of friends in Japan, despite being of different nationality.

That's my explanation of my favorite youtuber, Jerome Polin.


Baca Juga: Contoh Teks Deskripsi tentang Adik Perempuan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya